Devils Punchbowl Waterfall Track in Arthurs Pass

A killer climb for a killer view! The Devils Punchbowl Arthurs Pass Waterfall Track is not one to skip. A moderately challenging walk, suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Devil's Punchbowl Waterfall falling down to mossy green rocks and trees.

Trail Description

Difficulty Distance Trail Type Elevation Gain Time Family Friendly
Moderate 1.8 km out-and-back 100 m 35 min ★★★★☆
Difficulty Moderate
Distance 1.8 kilometers
Trail Type out-and-back
Elevation Gain 100 meters
Time 35 minutes
Family Friendly ★★★★☆

Due to the slightly difficult climb and the potential for slips during wet or icy conditions, I give this walk 4/5 stars for family friendliness.

The quickest and easiest way to access this walk is by parking at the Devil’s Punchbowl Carpark off of Punchbowl Road. If coming from the East, the turn off is on your right just one or two minutes past Arthur’s Pass Village. You’ll find two large gravel lots alongside the Bealey River, the second lot being closest to the trailhead.

Large gravel parking lot surrounded by Arthurs Pass green mountains.

Punchbowl Road Car Park in Arthur’s Pass

Two things you should know know before you arrive:

  1. There are bees and wasps everywhere, peaking from March to May! If you’re frightened of them like I am, stick to dark clothing and fragrance free products that day. We only saw them by the cars though, not on the actual trail.

  2. There is only one porta potty toilet. Not keen for that on a popular trail on a hot day? Flushing toilets can be found in the village.

Gravel walking trail with dark green doc sign.

Entrance from the parking lot and DOC sign showing walking distances / times.

At the north end of the lot you’ll see where the gravel road continues, but only foot traffic is allowed beyond this point. Trek past the large green DOC sign and you’ll be on your way. You’ll be walking a portion of the Arthur’s Pass Walking Track, so make sure to read the signs so you don’t miss the turn onto the Punch bowl Track.

Gravel walking track in Arthurs Pass National Park.

Section of the Arthur’s Pass Walking Track immediately following the Devils Punchbowl parking area.

The first few minutes of walking is on a gravel road with very little shade. You’ll be following along the power lines for about 5 minutes until you see a small stone building on the left. Just after this point the road will veer right and take you over the Bealey River Footbridge.

White wooden footbridge crossing over rocky stream called Bealey RIver,

Crossing the Bealey River Footbridge.

After crossing, take the immediate path to the right putting you on the Devil’s Punchbowl Walking Track. If you’re up for the extra exercise, the path to the left passes by Bridal Veil Falls Lookout and makes this a 2 for 1 waterfall walk.

Gravel intersection veering left and right with green doc sign in middle.

Go right at this intersection to see Devil’s Punchbowl Falls, go left to see Bridal Veil Falls.

Next up is the Punchbowl Footbridge, almost immediately after the first bridge! This crosses Devils Punchbowl Creek and gives a clear view of the falls towering over you.

Wooden, white footbridge overlooking Punchbowl Creek.

Views above and below the Punchbowl Creek Footbridge. Devil’s Punchbowl Falls can be seen in the upper left.

Now begin the stairs. A lot of them, 240 steps to be exact. Beginning right as you enter the beechy, shaded forest. There’s no view of the surrounding Arthur’s pass area past this point. All you will see are the trees, an abundance of plant life and mossy rocks until you reach the waterfall. Oh and stairs, so many stairs.

Wooden and gravel stairs along walking track through lush green forest.

Stairs, stairs and more stairs!

I carried our 7 month old up and down so many flights of stairs, my knees were practically crying! A great way to burn off some road trip jitters for the little ones who can walk by themselves. This carries on for the remainder of the walk from here.

There is one section though where I would hold your children’s hands, keep them close to you and away from the trail edge. Pictured below, this is a steep drop off to your left on the way in. There is a metal chain link fence lining the edge but I’m not sure I would trust it to bear much weight. Better safe than sorry, right?

Smiling man on gravel trail next to metal chainlink fence blocking cliff.

One of the steep drop offs along the trail, fenced off for safety. You’re higher up than you think!

Man walking down wooden stairs on Devil's Punchbowl Walk.

Once reaching this point though you’re at most 5 minutes from the end. The steps begin to descend downwards and eventually you’ll come to a decently large wooden viewing platform. Giving you views of the devils Punchbowl waterfall in all it’s glory.

Devil's Punchbowl Waterfall crashing down to rocky ground.

To the right of the platform, a highly trafficked dirt path will take you directly to the base of the falls. Proceed cautiously as this isn’t technically part of the trail and could be very wet and slippery. We decided not to go this way for two reasons:

  1. You’re already just a few meters from the waterfall at the viewing base, that was close enough for us. If you want to feel the mist coming off the waterfall or dip your hands in the pool below, proceed at your own risk.

  2. We follow Leave No Trace Principles. Read more about it here.

To my fellow photographers, opt for an early morning or late evening walk. The mid day sun casts harsh shadows over your view, making it difficult to capture your subject with good exposure.

Mother and baby standing in front of Devil's Punchbowl Waterfall.

After relishing in the vista, return back the way you came and remember to take plenty of breaks along the way. Your knees will thank you later!

Know Before You Go:

  • Sections of this trail may be flooded out during or after heavy rainfall.

  • Stairs may be icy and slippery in winter.

  • No dogs are permitted, so please leave your four legged friends at home.

  • No drones allowed in Arthurs Pass NP without DOC approval.

  • Check for trail closures and conditions on the DOC website.

Directions (from Christchurch)

From Christchurch, take State Highway 73 towards the West Coast. Continue on Hwy 73 until making a right turn onto Old West Coast Road (Waddington). 40km later turn left onto Inland Scenic Route 72 / Waimakariri Gorge Road (State Highway 73 / Arthurs Pass). In 94km take a right turn onto Punchbowl Rd. Follow the gravel road for just a few meters and you have arrived at the Devils Punchbowl Carpark. The second parking area is closest to the trail head.


Other Trails Near Devils Punchbowl Arthurs Pass

  • Bridal Veil Falls Lookout Track: 1.4 km | 50 m | 25 min

  • Arthur’s Pass Walking Track: 6.5 km | 280 m | 2.5 hr

  • Temple Basin Ski Field: 5.3 km | 500 m | 2 hr 45 min

  • Kura Tawhiti Access Track / Castle Hill: 5 km | 250 m | 1.5 hr

Where to Stay in Arthur’s Pass Village

Disclaimer: Please adventure at your own risk. The author of this article is not liable for any injuries or damage that may occur. It is up to the individual to determine their own capabilities and limits, and to thoroughly research before venturing into the great outdoors. Read our full disclaimer.

Kayla Laatz

Mama to one wild child and a lover of the outdoors. My goal is to prove that the adventures don’t have to end with children, they’re only just beginning. I share family friendly trails, camping spots and host mums + bubs walks around New Zealand.


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